S5 E152 Kitbashing Away (Oct 2024)

Damien Valentine 00:41
hello and welcome to this mini bonus episode of A now for something compete the mission about I'm Damian Valentine, and for this episode, it's just myself. Normally, we have a big news segment, which we all talk about various mission related news, and we've recorded that, but some breaking news occurred just a few days later, and I worked to record this just to let all of you know about this contest that I've discovered. And of course, it's a time sensitive thing, so I didn't want to wait until next month. So kitbash 3d have put together this contest. If you're not familiar with them, they produce extremely high quality content packs, which are models, mostly buildings and some of the props and other things that you can use in your video games or in your animated projects, that the themes so the Sci Fi ones, modern ones, fancy, historic and so on. Now this one, the contest, is called Secrets of the Luminara, and you we do, go to the kit bash site. You can download the content pack, which is free, and then what they want is for there's three levels of contests. You can either produce a still image, which should be render, or an animated video, which I imagine most of our listeners will be interested in, or a video game. And if you're working on a game or why not give us a shot. So the content pack is very Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider inspired. It's ruined temples, ancient ruins. You know that kind of thing, you know kind of explorer vibe. There's a strong explorer vibe to it. And I want you to use this content pack. You only have to use one item from it, but it's all matches a theme. So I imagine, if you use one thing, why don't you use more of it? See, you produce something with that content pack, and you submit it to them, and that's it, really now, some very hefty prizes. I am not going to read out all of them, but they range from one year subscriptions to kitbash 3d this is a this is a prize for all levels. So the first prize, second prize, third prize, and then there's six honorable mention levels. And so they all get that there's subscriptions, other sites for ly modeling and tutorials and so on. The grand prize has included some motion capture gloves, a laptop, all kinds of other stuff. So I suggest you check out the thing, because they're really good prizes. It's worth entering this contest if you can, to make the most of this content pack, you'll need to be using something like Unreal, or iClone or Nvidia Omniverse. I don't know how easy it would be to take this content and put into a game. Depends on what the game is capable of, really, but, you know, give it a shot and see what you can do. I think I'll be entering this contest. I'm quite intrigued by, well, I can come up with this, and I hope to see what other people do as well. Of course, you got some the judges are worth having a mention as well. Got people from Netflix, Nvidia, CD, Projekt, red, wetter and others. So these are some really impressive judges that they've got lined up for this contest. So that's it. Really I just wanted to let you all know about that the deadline is the 30th of November, which is why I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible, to give you as much time as possible to work on your submissions. So please do enter, and if you do, let us know so we can have a look at what you've created. That's it for me. David Valentine, and now we're back with the others next week. Take care and.

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